Careykid's Blog

A High School English Class Blog

Research Revisited

Hello Parents!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted here because, as the year progresses, the expectations are that students will become more mature and self-directed, thus eliminating the need for me to be in such frequent contact with the parents.

To bring you up to date: In addition to regular readings, some poetry reading, writing and reciting, the students continued to work on their research projects. I am now busy reviewing and grading the research outlines and works cited pages. It is a really long process. I have occasionally had students return to their research folders to revise errors or re-format in-text citations. My goal is for each student to have learned and engaged in the research PROCESS, including the pre-writing phase. I admit, getting some students to outline was a challenge.

How you can help: Please encourage your student to ask for extra help or come to writing lab (before school, 7:15-7:40am)to get some individualized instruction about research, reading habits and test-taking strategies.

Your students have been exceptionally helpful in being patient about a year-long study I’ve been doing with vocabulary and language. They have provided me with valuable feedback that I have used to modify and revise the types of tests I give. I hope to eventually use the data from this year to develop some better ways to assess students’ English language skills. PLEASE NOTE: Every single vocabulary test is open to revision in order for students to improve their grade. If your teen is unhappy with vocab/language grades, then they have not taken the opportunities given them to revise!!

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